This function replaces the need to add the snipped bellow for every item you want to use, the items still need to to be IN THE DATABASE.
ESX.RegisterUsableItem('fishbait', function(source) //fishbait db item name
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('fishbait', 1) //fishbait is item name in db
TriggerClientEvent('esx_status:add', source, 'hunger', 8000) //fill food
TriggerClientEvent('esx_basicneeds:onEat', source)
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, _U('used_fishbait'))
//used_fishbait (for translations)
Head to the useable items section in the cfg file.
You will also need the following links GTA5 Prop List
GTA Animations
1)Function Name - Usable Items
2)Script Location - server/usableitems.lua (Tebex encrypted)
3)Description - This allows you to add useable items in a simpler config file, rather than having to add 500 Useable item chunks as above
4)UseableItemsDebug - Set this to true to print item registration attempts to the SERVER CONSOLE
5)Note this uses the default ESX Notification, you can change this in “resources\es_extended\client\functions.lua” (which is a good way of globally updating this)
6)The numbers is these docs are low for formatting reasons, 250000 is a reasonable number, 250 IS NOT
DBName - The item name in the database
Type - Always “food” (lowercase)
Hunger - How much hunger to fill 250000 is about a quarter under normal settings
OnUseNotify - What text to display when used
Prop - What Prop to use
DFAD - FOOD ANIMATION DICTONARY - normally “mp_player_inteat@burger”
DFA - FOOD ANIMATION - normally “mp_player_int_eat_burger_fp”
{dbname = "burger",type="food",hunger=250000,OnUseNotify="Hmmm Burger", prop="prop_cs_burger_01", DFAD = "mp_player_inteat@burger" , DFA = "mp_player_int_eat_burger_fp"},
DBName - The item name in the database
Type - Always “drink” (lowercase)
Thirst - How much Thirst to fill 250000 is about a quarter under normal settings
OnUseNotify - What text to display when used
Prop - What Prop to use
DDAD - DRINK ANIMATION DICTONARY - normally “mp_player_intdrink”
DDA - DRINK ANIMATION - normally “loop_bottle”
{dbname = "icedtea",type="drink",thirst=250,OnUseNotify="Cold Tea? Are you high?",prop="stt_prop_lives_bottle", DDAD = "mp_player_intdrink", DDA = "loop_bottle"},
DBName - The item name in the database
Type - Always “alcohol” (lowercase)
Thirst - How much Thirst to fill 250000 is about a quarter under normal settings
Drunkness - How Drunk to get someone, 100000 is a good value
OnUseNotify - What text to display when used
Prop - What Prop to use
DDAD - DRINK ANIMATION DICTONARY - normally “mp_player_intdrink”
DDA - DRINK ANIMATION - normally “loop_bottle”
{dbname = "whiskey",type="alcohol",thirst=250,drunkness=300,OnUseNotify="Hmmm",prop="prop_cs_whiskey_bottle", DDAD = "mp_player_intdrink", DDA = "loop_bottle"},
DBName - The item name in the database
Type - Always “meal” (lowercase)
Hunger - How much hunger to fill 250000 is about a quarter under normal settings
Thirst - How much Thirst to fill 250000 is about a quarter under normal settings
OnUseNotify - What text to display when used
Prop - What Prop to use
DFAD - FOOD ANIMATION DICTONARY - normally “mp_player_inteat@burger”
DFA - FOOD ANIMATION - normally “mp_player_int_eat_burger_fp”
{dbname = "the_works",type="meal",hunger=300,thirst=320,OnUseNotify="Yummy!",prop="v_res_tt_pizzaplate", DFAD = 'mp_player_inteat@burger' , DFA ='mp_player_int_eat_burger_fp'},
UseableItemsDebug = false,
UseableItems = {
{dbname = "whiskey",type="alcohol",thirst=2,drunkness=1,OnUseNotify="Dang",prop="prop_cs_whiskey_bottle", DDAD = "mp_player_intdrink", DDA = "loop_bottle"},
{dbname = "icedtea",type="drink",thirst=2,OnUseNotify="Co?",prop="stt_prop_lives_bottle", DDAD = 'mp_player_intdrink', DDA = 'loop_bottle'},
{dbname = "pizza",type="food",hunger=2,OnUseNotify="COW",prop="v_res_tt_pizzaplate", DFAD = 'mp_player_inteat@burger' , DFA = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger_fp'},
{dbname = "the_works",type="meal",hunger=3,thirst=3,OnUseNotify="Yum",prop="v_res_tt_pizzaplate", DFAD = 'mp_player_inteat@burger' , DFA = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger_fp'},
--Note, set to low numbers for formatting reasons, 250000 is much better choice